We recently came across this beautiful talk by Tara Brach on The Sacred Art of Listening. When we think of listening, we think of the space we hold for people’s healing process, and how the quality of our listening, not the wisdom of our words, has the biggest impact on whether or not people change.
When we cultivate the ability to listen deeply, we aren’t just talking about listening to others. We’re also talking about inward listening—becoming aware of and responding to the body’s internal messages sent via thoughts, feelings, sensations, intuition and so on.
Tara says, “There aren’t that many moments when we put down our lives and are fully available to receive what’s offered.” Here are some other listening gems from her talk:
- Listen with a beginner’s mind
- Ask yourself: What’s between me and listening with an awake heart?
- Listen behind the words to who’s there
Imagine the world we’d create if more people practiced the sacred art of listening.

The Be Nourished Training Institute provides training and support in the Art and Science of Behavior Change Counseling. We know the conversations that occur between health care providers and their clients are powerful ones, capable of supporting or inhibiting the innate change process that is alive in all of us. We also believe helping professionals do the work they do because they want to be agents of change. Our institute, which is grounded in the empirically validated treatment modalities of Motivational Interviewing and Health at Every Size® can help you create well-balanced, meaningful relationships with your clients.