We recorded a video series for our beloved community to help you learn more about the Core Elements and Phases of a Body Trust® Practice. Below is a note and link to Video #2.

People have remarked over the years that it is one thing to believe in Body Trust® for everyone else, and it’s another thing to figure out how to make it work in your life.

We had this in mind when we created the Core Elements of a Body Trust Practice. We want you to not only believe in body liberation but also be aware of ways you can create practices which support your healing.

In this short video, Hilary talks about one of these Core Elements: Rooting Self-Care in Weight Neutrality. This element is about how you practice Body Trust, even when every part of you wants to lean back into diet culture.

This video is part of a series of videos we are making just for you. We hope they support your healing and strengthen your Body Trust practice, even when it feels hardest to do so. It is often these practices that can pull us through times of great doubt and ambivalence.

We know it is hard to champion your own healing and we honor the part of you that keeps going. Thanks for being here with us.


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