A Gentle Reminder: Healing Takes Time

Written by: Center for Body Trust

Image Reads: Grief is a solitary journey we cannot do alone. ~Francis Weller

The more we learn about healing Binge Eating Disorder (BED), the more efficient and proficient the process will become. The more bias and stigma we address regarding BED, the more access we will have to healing.

No matter how many BED techniques and advances we make, healing takes time. In fact, in most cases, healing takes longer than most people ever thought.

BED and our conceptions about how to heal have come a long way from the deep entanglement that both the disorder and the treatment community have had with dieting culture and the dominant weight paradigm.

We now know, for instance, that behavioral weight loss is contraindicated; it actually exacerbates BED symptoms. Internally, for someone living with BED, the eating disorder has long asserted that weight loss is the thing that would help the most. Externally, the culture and some medical communities have colluded with this belief. Pursuing weight loss only reinforces body shame and the repetitive cycle of restricting and binging. Weight loss, even when accomplished, rarely signals the end of the struggle.

To keep reading, head to the BEDA Blog…

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