Body Story ~ Becky

Written by: Center for Body Trust

Categories : Body Stories
Image Reads: Grief is a solitary journey we cannot do alone. ~Francis Weller

Body stories are largely missing from the zeitgeist of our time. We are often reluctant to dive into our body stories because we believe they are too taboo to share or too boring to be of interest or value. 

In Reclaiming Body Trust, we shared body stories of those who have defied the standard narrative of body apology, instead demanding care and deep respect. These stories, once unearthed, encouraged others to share theirs, too. 

Here IS Becky’s Story.

I was born to a woman who had nearly zero power, and a man who had a problem with rage. Throughout my childhood I witnessed his brutal attacks on my 3 older brothers. The week I turned 3 he beat me black and blue, angry with his aunt who had told him not to spank me.

That day I lost my sense of belonging in the world, my ability to trust deeply, as well as my connection with my own body and soul. The stories I created around that event, of being misunderstood, of needing to be anyone but me, have run much of my life. 
Dad’s life-plan was to father 12 sons to work his farm, beatings being his planned form of motivation. Mom and Dad divorced after she had had 9 kids in about 12 years, and he had found another woman who he thought would give him the remaining workers Mom had become too used-up to provide. There was a sense that Dad couldn’t love Mom because she was fat. She had cooked nearly constantly to keep so many mouths fed, but she wasn’t supposed to eat. She had her little salads and wished to be thin, and to be loved.
Dad married the woman he’d had the affair with. My step-mom had developed her “bitch” persona early in life, in order to survive growing up as the daughter of a pedophile. She was cruel to me and my siblings every day, for fun. She was a skinny little woman, who ran a constant diatribe about everyone’s bodies (including my mother’s, and the “obese” body she projected I would have in the future) peppered with the disclaimer “but I don’t judge!”
By the age of 60, I’d weight cycled many times, by nearly every imaginable method. Then I saw the book Health At Every Size on my new chiropractor’s desk and asked about it. As she explained the, to me, radical new paradigm, I felt a little dizzy, as if the earth had just tilted on its axis, beginning to right itself. 
I was, and remain, livid that there are a bunch of people who decided that our health and even our lives are easily forfeit to their profits. 
I took her recommendations for reading and listening material, and within one week of intensive study on the topic, I was all in. I’ve eaten intuitively for 7 years now and, although my battle with diet culture rages on, I’m at considerable peace with my body. I’m eternally grateful to the Hilary & Dana, Lindy West, Christy Harrison, Sabrina Strings, Virginia Sole-Smith, et al for giving me my get out of jail free card. 

Several years ago I contacted Center for Body Trust while in search of a body-positive MD and received a recommendation of Margret Black, MD. Thanks a million for that.”


What is the story of your body?

Collectively, we need to hear more body stories of others in order to feel less alone in our own. If you’re open to sharing your body story, we invite you explore our body story prompts and submit your own story here.

Your story has the power to change how we regard all bodies. Thank you for telling it.


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