What is Body Trust? Part 3

What is Body Trust? Part 3

My hunger, my appetites, my longings, my skin, my bones, my size are mine for the taking. I take back my voice, my agency, my worthiness, my belonging in the world of beautiful and diverse beings. I live without apology for the straight lines and curves, living tissue...

Video Series: Rediscover, Embody & Allow for Pleasure

We recorded a video series for our beloved community to help you learn more about the Core Elements and Phases of a Body Trust® Practice. Below is a note and link to Video #5. “What if it’s a measure of our freedom to reclaim pleasure?” ∼adrienne maree...
Talking Back to WW: Personal Body Stories*

Talking Back to WW: Personal Body Stories*

The stories have been missing. The stories that talk about what it is to live in a body that should be corrected. We are missing the stories of those who have followed all the rules, tried all the plans and it still didn’t “work”.   Weight loss stories tend to have a...
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