Body Trust Network
Body Trust Network
The wisest, most caring advocates, thinkers, helpers and process holders we know

About our
certified Body
Trust Specialists
Meet a multidisciplinary group of professionals who have spent a minimum of 12 months training with us.
Sharing your process with people who support your liberation is an important part of reclaiming Body Trust.
If you do not find someone in your area, many of our specialists offer support via video conference or phone.
A note about
our directory
The voices and experiences of Black, Indigenous and People of Color, gender variant folks, fat folks, and/or people with disabilities have been absent and minimized in the eating disorder, healthcare, and wellness-related professions.
Therefore, we are working hard to draw an increasingly diverse group of people to be part of our Body Trust Provider Community.
To include providers who are often excluded or unable to participate in trainings such as ours, we offer equity-pricing and additionally have 10 low or no cost spots in every cohort.
Read more about our professional training program here.

Interact with the list below to find a Certified Body Trust® Specialist in your area.
U.S. Based Specialists
Non U.S. Based Specialists
Anna Cannata

Certified Nutritionist
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
I support people as they grieve the losses associated with debunking diet culture. I hold space while they find their own magic glasses that let them choose to begin to see things a different way. I celebrate with them as they step a bit more into who they are.”
Location: St. George Area, UT
Pronouns: she/her
In-person and video sessions.
Mary Mireles,

Clinical Mental Health Therapist
Show up messy and take up space. ALL parts of you are welcome.”
Location: Utah, Salt Lake City Area
Pronouns: she/her
Instagram: @Self_Rising_Flower
In person in Salt Lake City area; state-wide virtual and phone sessions available.
Rachael Ringwood,

Private Therapist
We can’t hate ourselves into a version of ourselves that we can love”. ~Lori Deschene
Location: Utah
Pronouns: she/her
Phone: (385) 743-1725
Video and phone sessions available.
Can’t find someone in your area?
Many of our providers offer support via video conference or phone.
Contact us for assistance.