Hi, Glennon.
Hi, Glennon.
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What have you done, believed, and performed to help your body survive in the world?
Body stories are missing.
Body stories are essential.
Body stories need reclamation.
Learn a process designed for clinicians, educators, teachers, and guides that allows people to reclaim narratives that may otherwise be lost to diet culture, assimilatory ideas, the dominant gaze, and fear.
Next training date: To Be Announced
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You will learn
Developmental theories of embodiment.
How to unpack the dominant weight paradigm and discuss weight-inclusive models of care.
How to use narrative approaches to help people reclaim Body Trust.
A Body Trust approach to healing.
How to explore, uncover and listen to body stories.
The power of presence.
How to develop a liberatory lens for body-centered work.
Sign-up for updates and future training dates.
*fields marked with an asterisk are required
We can no longer talk about body image without complexity.
We need stories of survival and disruption to heal.
What to expect
Discover healing work that liberates from the confines of the traditional body narrative.
Widen your lens, strengthen your understanding of “body image”, and contribute to radically changing your field.
Deepen your connection to your own story and the stories of the people you serve.
Price Summary
Pricing – $475
For those who have sufficient resources and can cover themselves
PLUS – $525
For those who have enough resources to cover themselves and donate to increase access for marginalized folks and those in need
Pricing – $400
For people with marginalized identities and those in need; limited to 25% of registrants
We believe people should not be turned away for lack of funds, so if none of the prices in our three-tiered pricing structure work for you, you may request additional equity pricing when registration reopens. Learn more about our pricing structure here.
The stories of size, weight, and health often reinforce body blame and an endless body project, making body acceptance and liberation feel like an impossibility.
Restorying, with awareness of cultural and systemic harms, welcomes truth and places the problem focus where it belongs: outside of our bodies.